Marine Biodiversity


Habitat: Estuary

Species: Comorant

Scientific name: Phalacrocorax carbo 

Size: 130-160cm wingspan 

Colour: Mainly black with white patch on chest or thigh 

Distribution: Widespread around Ireland’s coast

Most people will have seen cormorants around the coast either standing on rocks drying their wings or diving under the waves to hunt for their prey. Cormorants can also be seen inland around large waterbodies, where they breed in trees. The Cormorant is a large, mainly all dark seabird with a long body and neck and a long, hooked bill. Cormorants may be confused with Shags however, Cormorants will not have crests and they usually have a white patch on their thigh or neck unlike the all-black Shag.  

Breeds in colonies mainly around the coast of Ireland, with some birds breeding inland. Most of the larger coastal colonies in Ireland are on the south and north west coasts with big colonies also in Co. Dublin. Birds on the coast breed on cliffs whilst those inland, in trees. 

Image by MJ O Mahony

Image by David Mc Nicolas