Our Team

Bronagh Moore
Bronagh MooreCoastal Communities Manager, Environmental Education Unit
Bronagh joined Clean Coasts in 2024 having held leadership roles in Executive & Community Education. She holds an MSC in Business and has a background in operations, coaching and transformation. Passionate about the environment, particularly coastal protection, Bronagh has been a dedicated beach clean volunteer for over 15 years. She looks forward to engaging with volunteer groups nationwide and working with her team to safeguard our coastlines. A firm believer in the ripple effect, she believes that small actions by many can lead to a positive global impact.
Ian Diamond
Ian DiamondCoastal Awards Manager, Environmental Education Unit
Ian has worked at An Taisce’s Education Unit since 2007, at first on Green-Schools and later on the National Spring Clean campaign. He joined the coastal programmes team in 2016, and is responsible for the management of the Blue Flag and Green Coast Awards in the Republic of Ireland.
Aidan Gray
Aidan GrayClean Coasts Senior Development Officer for Louth, Meath, Wicklow and Wexford
Aidan joined Clean Coasts in 2003. With a background of outdoor adventure and education, he relishes being with groups at the coast – so much to see, learn about, do our part to protect, and space to do fun activities also.
Olivia Jones
Olivia JonesClean Coasts Coordinator for the North West Region (Sligo, Mayo and Donegal)
Olivia joined Clean Coasts in 2008. She has a post graduate in Environmental Management from Ulster University. She is inspired by the many different habitats found along our coastline and the amazing people working to both professionally and voluntarily to protect it.
Alena Kunkel
Alena KunkelClean Coasts Campaigns and Development Officer for Donegal
Alena joined Clean Coasts in 2023. She has an M.A. in Sociology with a special focus on Science Communication and has further trained with NPWS in Nature Animation and Conservation. Alena’s passion is connecting communities to the places they live in through environmental education, fostering a sense of adventure and discovery as well as building strong partnerships for nature protection
Elaine Doyle
Elaine DoyleClean Coasts Campaigns and Development Officer for Kerry and Cork
Elaine has a worked with Clean Coasts since 2016. She is a Campaigns Officer on the Think Before You Flush campaign. She has a passion for sustainable development at home and abroad and difference we can make with small actions.
Aine Lawless
Aine LawlessClean Coasts Officer
Áine joined Clean Coasts in 2022. She has a background in Multimedia and holds a Masters in Climate Change: Policy, Media and Society. Having worked on community projects for a number of years, Áine is keen to explore ways of connecting people with the ocean and our shared environment.
Ollie O'Flaherty
Ollie O'FlahertyClean Coasts Development Officer for Clare and Galway
Ollie has a Science degree from NUIG and a Specialist Diploma in Corporate Environmental Planning. Ollie had a background as a professional surfer for many years and as an Irish Surf team coach and Chairman at the West Coast Surf Club. His life’s passion is the ocean, so he considers joining the Clean Coasts team really a fantastic opportunity.
Agnese Santoro
Agnese SantoroSenior Communications Coordinator
Agnese joined Clean Coasts in 2019. She has a background in communications, cultural mediation and ESG analysis. She is passionate about finding ways to enjoy the sea while doing our bit to protect it, and finding engaging ways to communicate about sustainability to others.
Aoife O'Donoghue
Aoife O'DonoghueClean Coasts Communications Officer
Aoife joined Clean Coasts in 2021. She studied English with Drama and holds a Masters in Public Relations with a background in communications. Aoife believes that the future depends on all of us developing more sustainable and environmentally friendly habits to help combat climate change.
Liane Costello
Liane CostelloClean Coasts Biodiversity Officer
Liane has been working with Clean Coasts since 2020. She has a background in marine biology, community engagement and communications. Prior to her new position as Clean Coasts Biodiversity Officer, Liane was a Campaign Officer on the Think Before You Flush campaign. In her new role, Liane’s aim is to encourage communities to champion local biodiversity. She is truly passionate about the Clean Coasts community and is excited to see the future of biodiversity integration within the programme.
Patrick Cross
Patrick CrossClean Coasts Campaigns Officer
Patrick joined Clean Coasts in 2023. He has a background in marine policy and governance, online education and visual media production. He is inspired by the great variety of the Irish coastline, its communities and habitats and his hope is to meaningfully contribute to the preservation of these environments and support the recognition of their economic, social, and recreational value.
Mariana Colman
Mariana ColmanBlue Flag Officer
Mariana joined Clean Coasts in 2022. She has a background in Communication and Logistics and holds a Masters in Sustainable Development. Her passion is empowering communities to foster behavioural change, helping them transition toward a sustainable future one step at a time.


The EEU of An Taisce is the national operator of a number of highly successful environmental education, sustainability and behaviour change programmes such as Green-Schools, Blue Flag, National Spring Clean, Clean Coasts and Climate Ambassador. The EEU of An Taisce works with a wide range of participant and supporters and sponsors to deliver these programmes.

There are the following opportunities within the Environmental Education Unit:

Clean Coasts Senior Communications Officer

An Taisce is now recruiting for a Full Time Senior Communications Officer for Clean Coasts programme. This is an exciting opportunity to join the team of one of our most successful, innovative, and diverse programmes.

Tasks and Responsibilities

  • Conceptualise, plan and implement communications for the Clean Coasts programme.
  • Maintain a strong presence for the programme, including impactful and fit-for purpose website, social media and newsletter content ensuring the programme communication outputs are of a high standard and respond to the needs of our target audiences
  • Coordinate with other communications staff on campaigns, launches, opportunities and internal communications.
  • Manage website design, website content and website maintenance and assist with transitions to new software when applicable
  • Coordinate and plan media engagement including pitching ideas; creating content and developing relationships
  • Compile performance reports for external stakeholders and internal review
  • Develop campaigns, competitions, and initiatives to increase reach of partnerships and meet programme KPIs
  • Manage third party media monitoring services
  • Liaise with external stakeholders and sponsors as required
  • Create press releases for events and campaigns
  • Support with writing scripts for video, TV and radio content
  • Advise on engagement with agencies and media outlets
  • Provide support with organising photoshoots and PR events
  • Support with aspects of event management (online and in-person)
  • Develop escalation protocols for managing communication crises, should they arise
  • Assist in responses to queries from the media or schools and act, when required, as a spokesperson.

Key Requirements and Competencies

  • A minimum of 4 years of experience e in communications roles
  • Knowledge and awareness of marine environment, education, climate and sustainability.
  • Excellent communications and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent media skills
  • Excellent computer skills (database management, website
  • Ability to manage a workload within tight deadlines
  • Ability to work with a wide range or stakeholders including schools, local authorities and other agencies
  • Be a dependable and flexible, and be committed to working as part of a team

Read the full job description here: Senior Communications Officer Clean Coasts


Please submit your CV and cover letter outlining your interest in the role by 11th August 2024 to Bronagh Moore at bmoore@eeu.antaisce.org.

The EEU is responsible for developing and operating some of Ireland’s most popular and successful environmental and sustainability programmes. It is the National Operator for many international environmental education programmes of FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education), including the Blue Flag Award for Beaches and Marinas and Green-Schools, the international environmental education programme in operation across 93% of Irish schools.
It also operates a number of national programmes including Green Campus, Neat Streets, Clean Coasts, National Spring Clean (Ireland’s largest anti-litter campaign), Green Home, Green Communities, and the Irish Greening Community Award Programme.

Our Sponsors

Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government

As part of its commitments under the EU’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive and OSPAR’s Marine Litter Action Plan, the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government is proud to support An Taisce’s ‘Clean Coasts Programme’, in its enthusiastic engagement with marine communities in relation to marine litter and in heightening public awareness and influencing positive behaviour among civil society. The Department would also like to acknowledge the tremendous work done by hundreds of local clean coast groups around the coast in protecting the marine environment, for the generations to come.

Fáilte Ireland

Fáilte Ireland, the National Tourism Development Authority, is a proud sponsor of the Clean Coasts programme for the past 9 years. The Green Coast Awards and associated Clean Coasts groups act as custodians for the beaches, seas, and marine life in Ireland, ensuring that they are managed appropriately and that they are litter and pollution free for our visitors to enjoy. Ireland’s coastline is a tremendously important tourism asset and the majority of the green coast and coast care groups and Green Coast beaches are located within the Wild Atlantic Way, Irelands Ancient East and Dublin Programme areas. The achievement and display of the Green Coast Award at our beaches reaffirms our clean green image to our visitors.

If your company is interested in partnering with the Clean Coasts programme then please get in touch here.

Our Collaborations

Other companies and organisations we have worked with over the last few years.

IrishWater logo

If your company or organisation is interested in collaborating with the Clean Coasts programme then please get in touch here.

Local Authorities

The Clean Coasts programme is supported by Local Authorities around Ireland who help with the collection of marine litter removed by Clean Coasts groups and volunteers.

Contact Us

The Clean Coasts Programme,
An Taisce – Environmental Education Unit,
5 Foster Place
Dublin 2

Telephone: 014002202
Email: cleancoasts@eeu.antaisce.org