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The Roadshow which is also running in a number of locations nationwide aims to bring together all those with an interest in protecting their local beaches, seas and marine life.

It will be at the Mulranny Park Hotel, Mulranny on Thursday 19th of May, 7pm – 9:30pm

  • Olivia Crossan, Coastal Programme Officer, An Taisce – Clean Coasts Programme & Marine Litter talk
  • Dr. James Bonsall MIAI, Sligo IT – Bronze Age Cist Burial Site at Bunowen, Louisburgh
  • Dr. Russel Poole, Marine Institute – Burrishoole, Fish Monitoring and Climate Change
  • Cheryl CobernBrowne – Seaweeds for Culinary Delight, Health and Beauty

Please RSVP by emailing Olivia at ocrossan@eeu.antaisce.org

Refreshments will be served.