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Clean Coasts Groups

Our Clean Coasts Groups are the core of the programme.

Register A Clean Coasts Group

The Clean Coasts programme through the Clean Coasts volunteering effort aims:

  1. To facilitate community guardianship of adopted stretches of coastline.
  2. To establish and support Clean Coasts groups who form a network engaged in coastal management, environmental actions, and education activities.
  3. To enhance the value of the coastline by reducing the impact of litter and other environmental damage thus restoring the aesthetic appeal and increasing the amenity and economic value to local communities and tourists.

These Clean Coasts groups aims are delivered through all different types of activities, such as:

  • Beach clean-ups.
  • Marram grass planting and other dune management practices.
  • The establishment, support and promotion of voluntary community action groups.
  • The provision of education opportunities to groups
  • Improving access routes to and around coastal locations.
  • Promotion and protection of sites of importance of biodiversity such as SPAs/SACs/NHAs.

All members of the community are encouraged to participate in the Clean Coasts Programme through the formation of a group to become guardians of their local stretch of coastline. Each Clean Coasts group formulates their own aims, objectives and activities to clean up and protect their adopted stretch of coastline with the support of An Taisce’s Coastal Programmes Officers. Types of Clean Coasts groups include; Schools, Residents Associations, Sports Clubs, Universities, Youth groups, Tourist attractions, Businesses, Individuals etc.

Register Your Group

By completing this form your group will automatically be registered as a Clean Coasts Group. That’s how easy it is! We will then be in touch with you very shortly to discuss the aims of the group. If you have any queries please contact the Clean Coasts Team on 01-4002210. If you are a business interested in organising a corporate volunteering day with us please contact us at cleancoasts@eeu.antaisce.org

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