May 2017

    Marram Grass Planting Workshop – Fintra, Co. Donegal

    By |2017-05-09T11:10:31+00:00May 9th, 2017|

    Marram Grass, Ammophila arenaria, is the major dune building plant in Ireland. This sand trapping grass can not only help dune systems maintain their positions but reduce blowouts and consolidate areas of loose sands. This practical training workshop will develop skills around; when and how to transplant, sources of supply, correct technique and spacing considerations. [...]

    March 2017

      Marram Grass Planting and Beach Clean – Maghery, Co. Donegal

      By |2017-03-22T14:19:35+00:00March 22nd, 2017|

      Our Clean Coasts Group, An Mhacháire Le Chéile Teo, will be hosting a marram grass planting session and beach clean on Friday 24th March from 12pm. Clean Coasts Officer for Donegal, Beckey-Finn, will be attending and giving a short talk beforehand.  

        Marram Grass Planting – Strandhill, Sligo

        By |2017-03-22T10:38:56+00:00March 22nd, 2017|

        There will be a marram grass planting training day this Saturday in Strandhill at 11 am (meet at the cannon). Marram grass planting is a great way to care from our coasts. With more and more marram being trampled in the sand dunes in recent years, planting fresh marram grass is a great way to keep [...]

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