Registrations are now open for the Big Beach Clean 2024


Clean Coasts, supported by Kia Ireland, is thrilled to announce the return of the Big Beach Clean initiative from the 20th -22nd of September.

The Big Beach Clean is an annual call to action as part of the International Coastal Cleanup (ICC), operated internationally by Ocean Conservancy.  This call to action invites communities and volunteers around the country to remove litter from around the Irish coast after the end of the bathing season. 

This initiative is also an opportunity for volunteers to get involved in a worldwide citizen science project, which entails collecting the amount and types of litter on Irish beaches and filling in Clean Coasts’ Marine Litter Data Cards. This will help heighten awareness about the issue of marine litter serving as an indicator of the magnitude of the problem and help shape future policies and campaigns.   

Last year, in an extraordinary display of environmental stewardship and community spirit, 7,700 Clean Coasts volunteers rolled up their sleeves and removed a staggering over 46 tonnes of litter all across the country as part of the Big Beach Clean and Clean Coasts 20th year anniversary. That is the equivalent of 12 hippos! 

Register Now

When you register for the Big Beach Clean, you will receive all you need to host a clean-up and join our citizen science project. 

Your pack will contain bags, gloves, hi-viz vests and marine litter data cards, to record information on the types and quantities of litter you find. If you have any clean-up kit materials from previous calls-to-action, you can opt out from receiving them.

When you register for the Big Beach Clean you will automatically be registered as a Clean Coasts group and your information will be added to our database and use for Clean Coasts communications only. If you do not want to receive these communications, you can unsubscribe at any time.


Marine Litter Data Collection Card

During the Big Beach Clean, Clean Coasts volunteers are asked to be part of an excellent round the world citizen science data collection project and to carry out marine litter surveys to quantify the amount and types of litter on Irish beaches. These surveys are aimed at heightening awareness about the issue of marine litter and serve as an indicator of the magnitude of the problem. We also encouraged our groups to use the Clean Swell App by Ocean Conservancy. 

We hope everyone enjoys being part of the movement for litter free seas, and the world’s largest coastal cleanup event and marine litter survey!

Download the marine litter data card HERE or submit your data online by clicking on the button below. 

Submit your Big Beach Clean data online!



Why be a citizen scientist?

Becoming a citizen scientist can be a truly rewarding experience for individuals passionate about science and the natural world. By actively participating in scientific research and data collection, citizen scientists contribute invaluable insights to the scientific community. 

Regardless of academic background, citizen scientists have the unique opportunity to make a tangible impact on various fields. Engaging in citizen science projects fosters a sense of connection to the environment and empowers individuals to play an active role in addressing global challenges. By joining a citizen science project, one becomes part of a collaborative effort to drive positive change for a better future.

When it comes to the Big Beach Clean, taking the time to identify and count litter found on our coastline is important, it gives an indication of the scale of the marine litter issue and helps us to identify the types of activities and industries that create the most com-mon litter items.

In return we can create campaigns to help eliminate these items from our environment and assist policy change.




Kia Ireland are supporting the Big Beach Clean

Kia Ireland are the official supporters of the Big Beach Clean in 2024.

On a global level, Kia are involved with a number of environmental initiatives aimed at reducing their ecological footprint. Notably, Kia is a global supporter of The Ocean Cleanup, a non-profit organisation dedicated to removing plastic pollution from the world’s oceans.

In a recent milestone, The Ocean Cleanup successfully retrieved 55 tons of plastic from the Pacific Ocean in a single operation. This plastic was then recycled and upcycled for use in the production of Kia electric vehicles. During production, these electric vehicles also use 10 specifically sourced sustainable items, that have either originated from recycled plastic, or have been sourced from plant-based materials. This is just one initiative by the brand as part of their 2045 carbon neutrality strategy.

In line with these global clean up initiatives, Kia Ireland are encouraging as many people as possible to register for their local beach clean this September. Further information on these initiatives are available on


National Spring Clean is joining the Big Beach Clean

National Spring Clean are encouraging volunteers from everywhere in Ireland to join Clean Coasts for The Big Beach Clean 2024.

National Spring Clean is Ireland’s largest anti-litter initiative, which usually takes place in the month of April.

National Spring Clean said: “We are encouraging all our National Spring Clean volunteers to join the Big Beach Clean this year. Did you know that the number one cause of marine litter is litter dropped in towns and cities followed by overflowing litter bins? As evidence has shown that over 70% of plastic pollution affecting our ocean comes from land-based actions, cleaning up cities and towns has a tangible positive effect on our seas and oceans too.

For this reason, we are asking our volunteers to help prevent litter entering our waterways and seas by holding a clean up no matter where they are in the country and tackling the problem at the source.”


Big Beach Clean 2024 Public Clean-ups Map

Coming soon…

Join the Social Media Conversation

Want to help us spread the word about the Big Beach Clean? Then join the conversation on our social media.

Share your pictures and reasons why you are signing up, using the hashtags #BigBeachClean24 and #CleanCoasts and tag us:

On Instagram and TikTok: @cleancoasts | On X & Facebook: @CleanCoasts

We’ll keep sharing all your best shots and stories to inspire other people to do something to protect our beautiful coastline!

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