Clean Coasts Grant Scheme 2025

is now OPEN!

Application deadline is Friday, 28th of March, 2025

The Clean Coasts Grants are funded by our Corporate Volunteering programme and generous donations from individuals and companies. This grant scheme would not have been possible without their kind donations. Please find more information about our corporate volunteering days here

There are many reasons why a Clean Coasts group might require financial support for projects/activities. A Clean Coasts grant may help get a project started, support a project which is already underway or may help where finance is a concern.

Please read carefully the Clean Coasts Grant Scheme 2025 terms and conditions here

Grant application form can be downloaded here

What grants are available?

  • The application deadline is Friday, 28th of March 2025.
  • Clean Coasts groups can apply for funding up to €500, for either a community project or to help cover the costs of an event.
  • Grants are only eligible for Clean Coasts groups that have been active for 6 months.
  • Groups need to have, or will need to set up, a bank account in the name of the Clean Coasts group.
  • All applications need to be submitted with quotes.
What can you spend your grant on?
Success Stories

Success Stories

Grants awarded in previous years

Over the past two years Clean Coasts awarded many  successful Clean Coasts groups grant assistance. Here are some examples: 

Keep Our Beaches Clean – Co. Mayo 

Mayo based Clean Coasts group Keep Our Beaches Clean used their Clean Coasts grant to tackle smoking related litter. 

[read more]

Alpha Dive S.A.C – Co. Meath and Westmeath

Alpha Dive SAC are a recreational scuba dive club as well as an active regional search and rescue unit for the northeast.

[read more]

Tomhaggard Clean Coasts – Co. Wexford

Tomhaggard Clean Coasts Group are a Wexford based group who have been focusing on a project to divert lobster pots from landfill.

[read more]

Doonbeg Tidy Towns – Co. Clare 

Doonbeg Tidy Towns received a grant aimed at revitalising a key focal point in their village, the Rhynagconnaught bed, as part of their ongoing efforts to preserve and enhance their community.

[read more]

Dunkineely Community Ltd – Co. Donegal 


Dunkineely Community Ltd  used the grant to join the Killaghtee Festival in their area for the second year. On the first day of the festival, the group were joined by artist Heather who led a Sea Sculpture Workshop using plastic waste. 

[read more]

River Moy Search and Rescue Ballina CLG – Co. Mayo 

River Moy Search and Rescue Ballina CLG used their Clean Coasts grant to remove the scrub and overhanging foliage from an Annex I tufa habitat on the bank of the river Moy.

[read more]

Sea Synergy Ltd – Co. Kerry 

Sea Synergy Ltd run beach cleans at their nearest beaches. However, some of the people with a keen interest in taking part lack transport to get to these sites. As a result, the group asked for support to hire a minibus to run four Beach Clean Trips.

[read more]

Crumlin Community Cleanup – Co. Dublin

Crumlin Community Cleanup were awarded a grant to create an awareness campaign to reach a wider audience. 

[read more]


What can you spend your Clean Coasts Grant on?

Clean Coasts groups that have been working with the Clean Coasts programme for more than 6 months can apply for a grant of up to €500.00 . These funds are for projects that the Clean Coasts group want to carry out in their adopted regions.  

The Group Support is aimed at supporting groups in gaining equipment and completing local group projects, to seek funds in support of events, project work and creation of content to encourage people to enjoy the outdoors in a responsible and environmentally-conscious way.  

Group Support

Spades, saws, forks, rakes, wheelbarrows and litter-pickers.

Benches, barbecue areas, litter bins

Educational and biodiversity signs, litter signs and signage to denote that the beach is adopted by the Clean Coasts group

Long litter pickers, bag rings, litter hoops, rolling cart, nets, protective boots, rubber gloves, waterproofs, antiseptic hand-wipes and first aid kits.

Clean Coasts groups are covered under third part public liability insurance. If a group would prefer to seek further cover, you can apply for a grant towards this. 

Identification books, field guides, printing flyers

Skip hire, native trees, shrubs/bulbs, sand, stone, wood, benches, signs and notice-boards.

Posters, competitions, venue hire, marketing material, advertising, facilitators costs.

Videos, flyers, graphic designs, photographer.

Please note personal expenses cannot be claimed.

It is important to establish that only a limited Clean Coasts grant may be available, and may be just a contribution towards financial requirements.